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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

There are certain phone models that allow for NFC technology. Here is the device compatibility article:
There are certain "perfect spots" for iPhones and for Androids:

- Make sure the phone is lit up before tapping
- Tap your card on the top of the phone with the QR code facing down.

- Make sure the phone is lit up before tapping
- Tap your card on the back center of the phone with the QR code facing the phone

The QR code on the back of your card will act as a backup in the event a device is not compatible or has NFC disabled.
No additional app is necessary.You can simply open your device’s camera and scan the QR code.

Verify the device is NFC compatible Make sure the phone is lit up before tapping Tap your card on the back center of the phone with the QR code facing the phone

NFC is automatically activated for iOS: Apple – iPhone XR, XS, XS Max, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, plus all future models.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please log into
Click “Activate” on the bottom left corner under “Add New Employees” You can choose from a template format provided or upload an example of a design you would like. Upload the image/artwork you would like to add to the front and back of your card. Lastly, add any additional information you would like the design team to know about your card, expectations and preferences.

Log into your Smart Business Card portal:

Your username will be the email address provided during your card configuration.

Complete your Profile Information:
Select “Profile Settings” and complete any information you would like to share. Don’t forget to add any social media information within the “Socials” tab of your profile settings.

Profile Settings - Photo/logo:
-The photo will be the image sent along with your contact information when using the Business Card and Social Profile card modes.

-The logo will be displayed when using Lead Generation mode and the landing page.
-The photo for your logo within your Smart Business card portal is 300x300 pixels (square shape).

Download our Mobile App:


With a Smart Business Card, you can keep your contact details updated at any time from anywhere.
Log in to the Smart Business Card app and
click on the Profile Settings tab:

At the very top, you’ll see your name, and you’ll have the option to add your profile picture and a logo. The measurements accepted are 300*300 pixels minimum so any square picture must work. (We recommend using a Jpeg or png image).

Below that, you have 2 tabs: Profile and Socials.

By clicking on Profile, you can see several fields to add your contact information, including, but not limited to: Name, email address, mobile and phone numbers, address, and more.

By clicking on Socials, you’ll see the fields to add the links to your social media. There are almost 20 links that can be added! Once you start filling out the information, you’ll see a prompt at the bottom of the screen to save the changes:

Once you click save, your card will show the updated details when someone taps the card or scans the QR code. If you’re having any issues updating your profile please reach out to our Support team:

This is the photo that will be added to your contact card and is part of the information that will be stored when sharing your contact details. You will find it in your profile settings, the menu option in both the mobile and web app.

There are two ways to add or update your profile photo:
1.Via the mobile app
2.Through the web app

In both cases, you should look for the "profile settings" and tap the round circle (this could be empty).

The SMART BUSINESS cards has a NFC chip inside that wirelessly sends your information. If you tap the card on compatible phones, a link will open up with your contact information etc. Ready to be saved to the phone. For older phones that don't have NFC, there is a QR code on the back of the card.

The possibilities are virtually endless as this technology has many case studies for its use. However, we find that the most common are contact details, social media handles, websites & product information.

Once purchased you will get access to login to create your profile. Here is where you can add all of your contact details & social media handles etc.

You can change your details in realtime in a matter of seconds within your online profile.

No, it's as simple as tap and go. As this technology is similar to Apple and Android Pay, 9/10 phones are now compatible with all of SMART BUSINESS CARD’s features.

If your QR code scans successfully but you have trouble with tapping your card, check to see if your device is compatible.
Remember, even if a device is not NFC compatible, you can still use your QR code to share information. CLICK HERE FOR A LIST OF OUR COMPATIBLE DEVICES.

Androids from 2018 and above and Apple phones from iPhone 7 - iPhone 13 and all future models are compatible with our SMART BUSINESS CARD tap feature.
For older i-phones and Android phones we recommending using the QR code feature.

The Smart Business card is the same size as your credit card. The exact measurements are 85.5×54 mm and it has rounded corners. Accessories are customizable for purchases of 50 pieces or more.

Yes, you can! Just purchase one of our custom-designed cards and choose your design.

SMART BUSINESS CARDS is as secure as any new-age technology and as safe as the information you put on it. It only works within an inch of a compatible device, and can only share, rather than extract information. In addition, there is no financial information stored. All details shared are typically details you will have on any of your traditional business cards.

There is no subscription fee to use our cards after your initial purchase.